Articles by Mariangela Garau

The link up over at the Play Academy this week is all about messy play so I revisited some of the activities from my son’s preschool years — no that now we don’t have enough …

This is the typical menu of an Italian primary school. Children get a three course meal, which is different everyday to cover a well balanced diet. The menu changes every week on a five week …

This week I bring you a craft for Halloween which is entirely my son’s from idea to completion. In true recycle style he made two lanterns using just glass jars, paint, crease paper and floating …

Ever since we have entered the world of iPhone apps we have taken advantage of the many educational apps available for kids of all ages and in multiple languages. Audio Books and engaging interactive games …

I am glad to tell you I wrote a post for Ready for ten, the website powered by parents for parents of children aged six to nine. The theme for the month of October is Itchy Feet …

After seeing so many spooky cakes and sweets we attempted to make our own this afternoon with marzipan, sugar and chocolate icing. We made cookies shaped like bats and Frankenstein. Ingredients 250g marzipan, …

I am determined not to buy anything already made for Halloween this year so at the weekend we decorated some plain paper bags to fill with treats for our Halloween party. Inspired by …

I love the idea of the doodle duvet from The Handpicked Collection. It is perfect for kids who like to scribble everywhere – show me a child who doesn’t. With the washable fabric pens …

I have recently downloaded a fabulous creative app for my son, but I am rather keen on it myself and every time I am ‘allowed’ to play with it I get completely sucked in. Faces …

In preparation for Halloween we have come up with an idea to reuse an old beach bucket by turning it into a trick or treat container to collect all the sweets and gifts. To transform …

I have recently come across to the Happy Puzzle Company that operates as online shop and catalogue order. They have a large selection of puzzles and games divided by age group and subjects to make it easier for …

I love the bright yellow elephant bookshelf by Dwell Studio. This colourful book stand is a useful storage for the goodnight stories while being a great decoration at the same time. As well as the …