Articles tagged with: bathing

When my son was a tiny baby giving him a bath was initially a terrifying experience for me. I wasn’t a natural with my newborn child and bathing a tiny little thing I was afraid …

I am naturally drawn to colourful and unusual products. That’s why I like Boon innovative articles, they are unusual, colourful and most importantly they are useful. So after Scrubble I found the Bug Pod, a …

This is a fab bath toy that is also a scrub. Scrubble is a safe plastic toy for children as young as 9 months. Three interchangeable scrub bulbs and three attachments are easily swapped together …

With spring in its full glory, I can’t help but thinking ahead and see myself lying on the beach with the fabulous sensation of the sun on my skin. What a better way to prepare …

This lovely bathrobe makes me want to have a little girl. Don’t get me wrong I am very happy to have a boy, but I must say girls’ clothes and accessories are just so cute. This …

Finally a bath tub for young babies up to 6-month old that is both safe and comfortable. Tummy Tub was designed in the Netherlands by Anita Belderok who after experiencing many problems in bathing …