Articles tagged with: children art

Children’s drawings are very dear to us as parents and just as precious to our little ones. Imagine the surprise on your child’s face if that special drawing on the wall was suddenly …

You know how much I love museum activities for kids and families and The V&A has a great program at weekends and during half term and school holidays. If you are in London on the …

It has taken us a little while, but we are back. When school broke up at the beginning of June – yes in Italy the summer holidays are quite substantial…three months of it! – We …

At the weekend we had so much fun making this abstract art with only a little paint of different colours, water, straws and paper. We sprinkled drops of paint mixed with water on the paper …

Today we painted a simple drawing by cutting the shapes of the drawing out in such a way to make a stencil and transferring the image with one colour paint applied with a wet cloth. …

Apologies to all of you lovely readers who expect to see a post about crafts on Monday. Well, we have been a little busy at the weekend so I bring you our crafty post on …

We have printed T-shirts before as a fun activity, but none of our previous efforts resulted in anything you may wish to wear. This time we have been more organized with the design. Inspired by …

When my son was younger he would be very enthusiastic at anything I suggested. Now that he is seven he wants to be the one to come up with the ideas, which makes me proud …

I was so inspired by the map of the United States made entirely from empty cereal boxes that I saw on Inhabitots recently that I embarked on the nice project of making one of …

These are only a few of the beautiful prints and original artwork for children available from Etsy shop Pescerosso. The illustrations are by a talented young Italian born and Stockholm based artist, Laura Di Francesco …

I have so much artwork lying around the house everywhere that I no longer know what to do with it. You can only have so many boxes full of drawings stored away. The fridge – …

I discovered mooo last year when I was looking for eco-friendly Christmas tree options and I was really impressed with their wall stickers. Since then I have been keeping an eye on their products and …