Articles tagged with: Food

As school holidays are coming to an end, we are already thinking about back to school equipment and lunch boxes are definitely at the top of my list. If you were wondering what’s wrong with …

Here are some delicious ideas from the web to celebrate Easter. The Easter chick muffins by Birds on a Cake are almost too cute to eat! The vanilla sugar cakes by Nish Whips up …

My son loves baking and helping me in the kitchen so some months ago we made a jam pie. I must admit we didn’t make the pastry from scratch; it is straight out of a …

I have recently come across some fabulous activity books by The Secret Seed Society that encourage healthy eating by getting children hands on to grow their own vegetables. These books are beautifully illustrated and have …

I love the funky Goodbyn lunchboxes available from Toyella. They are colourful, easy to open and most importantly the space inside is very well organized. A good size central compartment is good for sandwiches, rice …

This is the typical menu of an Italian primary school. Children get a three course meal, which is different everyday to cover a well balanced diet. The menu changes every week on a five week …

After seeing so many spooky cakes and sweets we attempted to make our own this afternoon with marzipan, sugar and chocolate icing. We made cookies shaped like bats and Frankenstein. Ingredients 250g marzipan, …

Sponsored Post This summer we had a lot of fun going to museums. The Kids in Museums campaign has really improved the level of service and enjoyments for families visiting museums and …

One of the things we miss the most from our previous life in London is the variety of food from all over the world so whenever we visit we don’t miss the opportunity to eat …

Cookbooks for children have found a complete new meaning with the Handstand Kids books. They are cookbooks with easy recipes for children between 3 and 12 years of age and so much more. The Handstand …

Summer is nowhere in sight, but one must be prepared for those warm and lazy afternoons that will hopefully come soon. One thing we like to do is make our own fruity frozen treats, the …

This chocolate cake looks great and by the sound of it tastes yummy too. The decoration process is a little laborious, but the result is worth the effort.