Articles tagged with: iphone apps

Boys’ fascination with dinosaurs starts at an early age and it doesn’t seem to fade as they grow up. My son showed his first interest in dinos when he was about three years old, he …

We love the apps featuring Dr Seuss’ books and Fox in Sox is yet another great addition to the App Store. Fox in socks is the latest title from the Dr Seuss collection to have …

After the success of the iPhone app Measurement with my son I looked at the other two maths apps by the same developer. Punflay very kindly provided promo codes for us to download Number Sense …

I love iPhone apps in general. You can find some really cool ones on the App Store and when it comes to educational kids apps the scene is very colourful with so much to choose …

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is a favourite in our house, we love the story, the movie and the famous Christmas song so when I saw that Oceanhouse Media released an interactive eBook I just could …

Twas the Night Before Christmas, the classic poem by Clement Clarke Moore is available on iTunes thanks to an interactive iPhone app brought to us by Once Upon An App. You can listen to the …

Before starting school my son liked numbers and basic calculations, but the minute he associated numbers with the big scary “Math’s” word it all changed. Sometimes I watch him staring at me with a lost …

I have recently downloaded a fabulous creative app for my son, but I am rather keen on it myself and every time I am ‘allowed’ to play with it I get completely sucked in. Faces …

Once Upon an App are the developers behind some fantastic kids apps adapted from classic tales such as Animal Tales and The Tales of Peter Rabbit. To celebrate their one year anniversary they launched a …

I am a huge fan of Dr Seuss’ books, Green Eggs and Ham is the first book my son learnt to read on his own. The repetition of the primary words in this book particularly …

My latest iTunes’ download is a very good educational app for children who are interested on the Solar System. iLearn Solar System developed by Sprite Labs is a recount of our solar system narrated by …

While I was looking for some cool iPhone apps of popular children songs for my young nephew I have come across LoeschWare who develop colourful apps for toddlers and preschoolers. I was absolutely taken …