Articles tagged with: learn through play

The times tables bingo is a fun game to play with as many children as you like. It consists of 12 boards, one for each times table with the results placed at random. The boards …

This is a two page printable with a grid of the two times table where hearts are used instead of numbers and another grid with hearts containing the answer. The answer grid can be cut …

This week’s science topic was The Periodic Table so I had a look around for fun ways to familiarise with the symbols and the concepts of the elements and I found a great board …

Today on one of my inspiration wanders on Pinterest for Chinese new year’s crafts I landed on a fantastic homeschooling blog. Nadine’s paper dolls and paper men, which are free to download, are a great …

I am very proud of this little elephant made entirely out of magazine pages. All you need is lots of glossy paper (though newspaper works just fine, but it is less colourful), vinyl …

You know how much I love museum activities for kids and families and The V&A has a great program at weekends and during half term and school holidays. If you are in London on the …

We are really looking forwards to the Olympic games so while we are waiting we have made a chart to keep a record of the gold, silver and bronze medals for some of the countries …

To explain the surface tension to kids you can do a simple experiment. You need a glass, water, an eyedropper and a paper clip. Fill the glass with water to the rim, and then add …
Looking around for Halloween songs I landed on a fantastic website Science with Me where you will find songs, science movies, games and fun experiments for kids to learn about science. Whilst I was …

During the school year I found many games to help my son learning the times tables. We have used songs, online games and a variety of iPhone apps that make learning easy and most importantly …

My son loves baking and helping me in the kitchen so some months ago we made a jam pie. I must admit we didn’t make the pastry from scratch; it is straight out of a …

This is a craft from the past, back when my son was learning the alphabet. In one of my few attempts to put some order in the piles of stuff we have accumulated during years …