Articles tagged with: learn through play

Pegs, pegs and more pegs. Today we have a very simple raft put together with wooden pegs, glue and construction paper. We glued seven spare pegs side by side with the flat side facing up …

I have recently come across some fabulous activity books by The Secret Seed Society that encourage healthy eating by getting children hands on to grow their own vegetables. These books are beautifully illustrated and have …

The fun is on at Kew this Easter with lots of activities for families. All week you can admire the chocolate sculptures on display and take part in the chocolate workshops where kids will learn …

Model building with bolster wood kits turned out to be more complicated than I had originally expected, but it was a lot of fun. I got two kits, an airplane and a windmill. I thought …
Times tables is a hot topic in our house at the moment and luckily so far so good. It is just a matter of learning them one by one, but why not making it …

Boys’ fascination with dinosaurs starts at an early age and it doesn’t seem to fade as they grow up. My son showed his first interest in dinos when he was about three years old, he …

We love the apps featuring Dr Seuss’ books and Fox in Sox is yet another great addition to the App Store. Fox in socks is the latest title from the Dr Seuss collection to have …

After the success of the iPhone app Measurement with my son I looked at the other two maths apps by the same developer. Punflay very kindly provided promo codes for us to download Number Sense …

I love iPhone apps in general. You can find some really cool ones on the App Store and when it comes to educational kids apps the scene is very colourful with so much to choose …

Small boxes that are not good for storage purposes are still good for something. We think they are perfect for junk play so today I bring you a lovely house we made out of a …

Twas the Night Before Christmas, the classic poem by Clement Clarke Moore is available on iTunes thanks to an interactive iPhone app brought to us by Once Upon An App. You can listen to the …

We had so much fun playing with Waxidoodles at the weekend. These modeling sticks coated with wax are great for young children to make animal shapes, letters and anything they wish. They are easy to …