Articles tagged with: Learning

Recently we have adopted homeschooling for my 11 year old son. After sleepless nights mulling over the possibility of him moving on to a more flexible way of learning, we decided to go though …

Today on one of my inspiration wanders on Pinterest for Chinese new year’s crafts I landed on a fantastic homeschooling blog. Nadine’s paper dolls and paper men, which are free to download, are a great …

To explain the surface tension to kids you can do a simple experiment. You need a glass, water, an eyedropper and a paper clip. Fill the glass with water to the rim, and then add …

During the school year I found many games to help my son learning the times tables. We have used songs, online games and a variety of iPhone apps that make learning easy and most importantly …

Ever since it was formed in 1844 the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers continued growing steadily and quickly turned itself into a co-operative model that remains the foundation of …

I have just come across the cutest books for early readers. Sam Books is a collection of free self printable books for children focusing on the phonics approach to reading. There are 52 books in …

After the success of the iPhone app Measurement with my son I looked at the other two maths apps by the same developer. Punflay very kindly provided promo codes for us to download Number Sense …

I love iPhone apps in general. You can find some really cool ones on the App Store and when it comes to educational kids apps the scene is very colourful with so much to choose …

I would like to welcome on board my lovely new sponsor The Happy Puzzle Company, a great place to find educational games and puzzles for kids of all ages. They also organize puzzle challenge days for …

Before starting school my son liked numbers and basic calculations, but the minute he associated numbers with the big scary “Math’s” word it all changed. Sometimes I watch him staring at me with a lost …

Ever since we have entered the world of iPhone apps we have taken advantage of the many educational apps available for kids of all ages and in multiple languages. Audio Books and engaging interactive games …

I have recently downloaded a fabulous creative app for my son, but I am rather keen on it myself and every time I am ‘allowed’ to play with it I get completely sucked in. Faces …