Articles tagged with: nutrition

This is the typical menu of an Italian primary school. Children get a three course meal, which is different everyday to cover a well balanced diet. The menu changes every week on a five week …

One of the things we miss the most from our previous life in London is the variety of food from all over the world so whenever we visit we don’t miss the opportunity to eat …

Cookbooks for children have found a complete new meaning with the Handstand Kids books. They are cookbooks with easy recipes for children between 3 and 12 years of age and so much more. The Handstand …

Funky Lunch is a great website with lots of creative ideas to make lunch entertaining for kids with sandwiches in the shapes of their favourite animals and characters. The idea behind Funky Lunch is to …

These fun lunch bags are made of neoprene, the material used for wetsuits, which makes them light, water resistant and insulated to hold temperature for hours. An internal ice pocket can be used on very …

Normally I don’t get excited about lunchboxes, but the laptop lunch box deserves a little enthusiasm. Four containers and a dip container for salad dressing or vegetable dips all stored away in the unique laptop …

The art of a good packed lunch is in the ability to pack an organised meal in a compact space. The container is essential to this; one simple box with various sections is the perfect solution …

Why as I get more and more tired, my 6 year old boy appears to have extra energy? I think he runs on solar energy! After a whole morning at the beach, I would expect …

With the hot weather all I ever want to eat is fresh fruit and vegetables. Thankfully my son doesn’t need any extra encouragement to eat fruit as he is equally happy biting an apple or …

I have recently discovered Story Box, a great magazine come book for 3 to 6 year olds packed with great contents. Each issue has a story, a section on animals with facts and pictures, a …

My son’s diet has always been at the top of my priorities. I always made a point of making all baby food myself as it was the only way I would know for sure what …

Today I would like to share one of my favourite nutritious dishes with you. Another Mediterranean winner, this delicious pasta is easy to prepare and is certain to be a success with the kids and …