Articles tagged with: outdoor

The fun is on at Kew this Easter with lots of activities for families. All week you can admire the chocolate sculptures on display and take part in the chocolate workshops where kids will learn …

After such long winter and bad weather it seemed like summer would never come. Instead like magic here it is. Days are long and bright and the outdoor is more appealing than ever. It is …

With spring on our doorstep creative ideas naturally go beyond the kitchen table and crafts are projected towards the outdoor. Even craft materials change with a little sunshine. I had a look on Panduro Hobby my …

The number one wish on my son’s long list to Santa was a camera. As a first reaction I thought that a digital camera to a 6 year old was a little extravagant and it …

The Snow+Rock boots are just the thing to put on the little feet lucky enough to enjoy a skiing holiday this year to protect them from the snow and the cold. However, you don’t really …

These pictures were taken by my 6 year old son during an early evening stroll in Alghero were we live. He gets bored wandering around the shops so we let him take …

My son is fascinated by the popular TV program Art Attack. The best part is the inspiration he gets from artist/presenter Neil to use different art materials and techniques, which he then puts into practice. …

I have been looking for a funky rain jacket for my son and as usual all the cool stuff is for girls leaving me hugely disappointed. When it comes to boys the choice is limited …

My son’s hero is not a fictional action character but a positive real person. Ever since I introduced him to tennis 6 months ago he has looked up at Nadal as his reference point…nothing wrong …