Articles tagged with: Toys

Children’s drawings are very dear to us as parents and just as precious to our little ones. Imagine the surprise on your child’s face if that special drawing on the wall was suddenly …

Shoe boxes are fantastic to craft. With a little imagination you can make anything out of boxes and we have. Among the rest we made bookshelves, storage boxes of many shapes and sizes and a …

We love making things out of stuff around us. Working out how to connect things together is part of the fun, but often glue and tape are just not enough to convert your idea into …

Today I have a nice little recycling project that turned out to be a functional toy. I am in recycling juice cartons mode at the moment so I decided to make a dumper truck from …

For a paper craft addict like me the recent Etsy find was a breath of fresh air. The most adorable paper craft projects from Fantastic Toys turn cardstock into the cutest toys. All you need …

I am a huge fan of cardboard toys and by the rate at which they are multiplying it is clear they are becoming increasingly popular. If only a couple of years ago the cardboard playhouse …

After our season wheel craft I have been working on ideas to make some interesting crafts with colour association to each season, which I will feature soon. During my web travels I have ended up …

After such long winter and bad weather it seemed like summer would never come. Instead like magic here it is. Days are long and bright and the outdoor is more appealing than ever. It is …

Cardboard is quickly becoming very popular with kids toys and furniture. Environment friendly and safe this extremely durable and versatile material has captured the attention of many artists who constantly come up with the most …

I love educational toys so I couldn’t help getting excited at the sight of this wooden jigsaw puzzle where each piece represents a different county in Britain. What a fantastic way to learn geography this …

My son is fascinated by the solar system and he already knows the names of the planets and their correct cosmic arrangement so I have had a good look around for a gift to encourage …

The Handpicked Collection has very generously offered a £20 voucher to spend on their site for a lucky winner. Let me tell you they have a great selection of gifts for kids and adults alike. …