Articles tagged with: zentangles

This is the map of Italy divided into regions and decorated with Zentangle Inspired Art. I originally drew the map for an education project, but I couldn’t resist to see what it would look like …

This portrait with hair in Zentangle Inspired Art style started off as an experiment, but I quite like the end result enough to share it here. I started by tracing a photo in Photoshop, …

Another Zentangle with a Valentine’s Day theme. A rose with a tiny heart in the middle.

Ever since I have discovered Zentangles I have been hooked. This Halloween Tangles is a doodle drawing to print and colour. Plenty of doodles to keep the kids busy for a while. Hope you …

Recently I have discovered the Zentangle method, an art form that uses structured patterns to make beautiful drawings. I have always liked to doodle unorganised patterns on a piece of paper, whenever I have …