Water based games for outdoor play
The afternoon started with the children singing for the parents, symbolic diplomas were handed to the kids moving stage and the games followed. Every class organised 2 games each with the help of the teachers and a few voluntary parents. Some of the games were pure fun jump in the blow-up pools kind of thing and others were little experiments with an educational purpose. I liked the fabric colouring game that was hosted by our class. We had a lot of white cotton rags, shredded multi coloured paper and water. Each child had to wet his/her cotton rag, squeeze the water out and place it on a plastic sheet on the floor, then they all added the paper shreds on top of each rag and covered the whole thing with another large plastic sheet. At that point the music started and all the kids jumped up and down on the plastic for about five minutes. At the end, they removed the covering sheet, the wet paper from the fabric and put their now multi coloured rags to dry on the line.