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Kitchen tools for little chefs
Why as I get more and more tired, my 6 year old boy appears to have extra energy? I think he runs on solar energy! After a whole morning at the beach, I would expect him to be tired in the afternoon. Instead he is full of ideas of things to do, so we have been busy with creative projects, amongst our favourite activities painting is at the top of the list, closely followed by making things from recycled goods and cooking. The Playful Chef Kit is great for a kid who enjoys helping mum (or dad) in the kitchen. The kid size tools are designed for little hands to use easily and will be invaluable in preparing basic recipes in the kitchen this summer. The kit includes 5 laminated recipe cards with easy to follow recipes for 6 year olds and older kids, with extra tips on kitchen safety and hygiene, measuring and nutrition. The cool denim tool belt apron contains the perfect size tools for kids to handle including a wooden spoon, scissors, a spatula, a whisk and a pastry brush. The kit also includes a set of colour coded measuring cups and measuring spoons, a kid-sized baking pan and a kid-sized mixing bowl. The Playful Chef Kit is also available for kids between 3 and 5 with a smaller apron and no blade scissors. Both kits are available to by online through Amazon.