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Seat belt cushion: sweet dreams on the move
Ever since my son grew out of his baby car seat, where he used to snugly fall asleep soon after the car was on the move, we’ve had all sort of issues with medium to long car journeys. As he slept less and less in the car we had to be inventive with entertaining him during the outbound journey, games, songs, I spy games (with both parents in the car, not recommended when driving alone with the child!) you name it, we have done it. The return journey is all a different story. Tired after an eventful day, he falls asleep almost immediately, but the seat belt was very uncomfortable by the side of his neck so we solved the issue with a soft seat belt cushion. The Great Little Trading Company has a nice velvety cushion that easily slips onto the seat belt strap to stop children nodding uncomfortably when they doze off in the car. I especially like the removable washable cover, which makes it easy to keep clean.