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Magnetic Paint frees your wall from tape and pins
We love magnets in our house; we attach them to everything that holds. Magnets are great for spelling games, to display your children’s artwork on the fridge as well as photos and birthday party invites – basically anything you want to keep in sight. Imagine my excitement when I came across Magic Wall, a magnetic paint by
Kidicraft. You simply paint your wall and attach posters, alphabet letters and anything you normally hang using pins or tape by applying a strip of magnetic tape on the back of the item you wish to display. Magnetic Paint is non-toxic water based emulsion with very fine iron powder, which is behind the magnetic effect and the dark grey colour. Unfortunately it only comes in one colour, but you can easily paint over it with the emulsion of your choice to blend with your house décor. Magnetic Paint is perfect for kids’ rooms or your home office. The hold is suitable for lightweight or large surface areas magnets.
It’s a very good idea. I like it for a wall in a kid’s room or in my own office.
Bonding moments with kids decorating their rooms
using magnetic paint. They will enjoy it!