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Cardboard toys that are good for the environment and creative play
I am a huge fan of cardboard toys and by the rate at which they are multiplying it is clear they are becoming increasingly popular. If only a couple of years ago the cardboard playhouse was a novelty today it is often the preferred option to a more cumbersome and expensive plastic version. In addition to that you can buy cars, planes, dinosaurs, trains, log cabins, farm animals and so on. Apart from the environmental value of recycled cardboard toys, I like the fact that they come flat packed and blank, which brings the additional fun as kids need to construct them and personalize them with paint, crayon or collage. They leave a lot of room for imagination and creativity play and once the crafty part is over children are left with a very personalized and environment friendly toy.
ECOutlet has a great selection of inexpensive cardboard toys including a large playhouse, a teepee and a rocket.