How to use denim scraps
After my recycling projects using old denim I was left with a lot of denim scraps. True to my philosophy not to waste anything I have been thinking of ways to use the left overs and so I tried to create something artistic to go on my bedroom wall. Not so long ago I made a board resembling a canvas with a cardboard lid, newspaper and glue. It was just sitting there waiting to be decorated, when one day I thought it would look nice to create some abstract pictures using various textures. In the end I decorated it with denim scraps. I cut a lot of different size petals and attached them to the bottom left corner of the board. Not quite the abstract picture I had in mind originally, but I am very happy with my collage flower so much so that it indeed made the wall in the end. My favourite part of the flower is the central part, which I made by rolling a zip.