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Learn to Tell Time, another cool iPhone App
App games are ideal to learn having fun especially when it comes to math. Any fun connected to this subject is always a positive thing. Somehow it always starts well at an early age with fun activities, songs and counting games, but somewhere along the way the fun goes and suddenly numbers seem to be so complicated. At the beginning of his first year of primary school my son said to me “numbers are great just like reading and writing”. He started on a high and took to school very well. At the end of the year however he started making noises such as “math is so difficult!” and he has not even come across to the time tables yet! He loves playing with the iPhone and he asked for an iPod Touch for his birthday so I have been looking specifically for games with numbers that are fun and easy to play whilst giving him the confidence to add and subtract quickly. During my usual nose around Moms with Apps, a website where a group of mothers review as well as develop educational iPhone Apps for kids, I found a lot of interesting math related apps. In particular I was drawn to The Kids Math Fun, which is a series of Apps for kids to practice their math’s skills at different levels and in multiple languages. There is even an App for telling the time (only available in English), which is the one I really like. Not only children reach a fluent knowledge of the clock but doing so they practice basic additions and subtractions skills. There are 6 activities. Tell Time shows a clock and the child has to answer by telling the time. Elapsed Time shows two clocks and the child has to figure out how much time has passed between the first clock and second clock. Time After and Time Before require basic additions. Set Time shows a digital or numeric time and the child has to set the arms in the clock accordingly. Finally Mixed Mode is a mix of all activities. The App is suitable for children aged 4 and up and can be set to challenge the young learner or the more confident kids with four levels of difficulty, yellow belt, green belt, red belt and black belt.
Hi Maria! Good to be checking in at your blog again. I’ve been busy over at Moms With Apps, and here I see that you mentioned it in your post – that is wonderful! Coincidentally, I met the developers of the Kids Math Fun series in person up in San Francisco last week for Apple’s WWDC. They are a fantastic group of people who are extremely dedicated to educational and high quality app development. Glad you picked them up on the blog.