Articles in Highlights

The theme for the Friday Carnival over at Notes From Home this week is Christmas so I thought to share the alphabet poem we made using only Christmas words, which we then illustrated by painting the tree …

The Red Balloon is the latest addition to my son’s library. If you don’t know this book I urge you to look it up for the sweet story and the beauty of the photographs. The …

Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson is still one of my son’s favourite books. The colourful illustrations and the engaging story of a little monkey lost who is trying to find his mum with the …

I was so inspired by Red ted Art’s story cubes last week that I just had to make some myself. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any wooden blocks on a short notice so I got my …

Before starting school my son liked numbers and basic calculations, but the minute he associated numbers with the big scary “Math’s” word it all changed. Sometimes I watch him staring at me with a lost …

I was so inspired by the map of the United States made entirely from empty cereal boxes that I saw on Inhabitots recently that I embarked on the nice project of making one of …

The last post in the Christmas craft series focuses on Christmas cards. We made a few different types out of thick red paper, which we decorated with a mix of materials including magazine paper, glitter …

This weekend we have been busy making a personalized Xmas stocking. Although a little stitching was involved to make the stocking itself, the fun part was all done with glue and glitter so my son …

After featuring advent calendars and Christmas trees it is only fair to give some space to gifts because if adults really enjoy the run up to Christmas children love the anticipation of what really matters …

The best part of Christmas celebrations is the build up to it and particularly the effort that goes into decorating your home and the Christmas tree. With that in mind I have had a good …

For the second part of the advent calendar crafts edition we have been very laborious and I am very proud to present our very own hanging advent calendar with 24 pockets to …

I have had a good look around for advent calendars, not to buy one as this year I will make my own but for original ideas and I was amazed at how many options are …